"The Biochemic remedies were not selected according to the similarity principle of Homoeopathy. They are chemically pure salts, homogeneous to the cell-mineral human body, physiologically and chemically in close relation to them. By the aid of these minerals disturbed molecular motion in the cells can be rectified, as taken for a certain period, these salts will compensate the losses incurres during a disease. Thus, the cells will cover, and will be able to overcome the disease completely". Schussler at first made use of 12 and later of only 11 mineral substances are mentioned below, since also calcarea sulfuric which Schussler later abandoned, has proved its value as a Therapeutic agent. Calcarea Fluorica (Cal-Fluor.) Calcarea Phosphorica (Cal-Phos.) Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferr.Phos.) Kalium Muriaticum (Kali. Mur.) Kalium Phosphoricum (Kali. Phos.) Kalium Sulfuricum (Kali. Sulf.) Magnesia Phosphorica (Mag.Phos.) Natrium Muriaticum (Nat. Mur.) Natrium Phosphoricum (Nat. Phos) Natrium Sulfuricium (Nat.Sulf) Silicea Calcarea Sulfurica (Calc.Sulf.)
Except the above 12 basic medicines, there are 28 Nos. combination in Bio-chemistry or Bio-chemic system of medicine, known to us Bio-Plasgen, as noted below:-
1. Bio-Plasgen No.1 For Anaemia
2. Bio-Plasgen No.2 For Asthma
3. Bio-Plasgen No.3 For Colic
4. Bio-Plasgen No.4 For Constipation
5. Bio-Plasgen No.5 For Coryza
6. Bio-Plasgen No.6 For Cough, Cold and Catarrh
7. Bio-Plasgen No.7 For Diabetes
8. Bio-Plasgen No.8 For Diarrhoea
9. Bio-Plasgen No.9 For Dysentry
10. Bio-Plasgen No.10 For Enlarged tonsils
11. Bio-Plasgen No.11 For Fever
12. Bio-Plasgen No.12 For Headache
13. Bio-Plasgen No.13 For Leucorrhoes
14. Bio-Plasgen No.14 For Measles
15. Bio-Plasgen No.15 For Menstruation troubles
16. Bio-Plasgen No.16 For Nervous exhaustion
17. Bio-Plasgen No.17 For Piles
18. Bio-Plasgen No.18 For Pyorrhoes
19. Bio-Plasgen No.19 For Rheumatism
20. Bio-Plasgen No.20 For Skin disease
21. Bio-Plasgen No.21 For Teething troubles
22. Bio-Plasgen No.22 For Scrofula
23. Bio-Plasgen No.23 For Toothache
24. Bio-Plasgen No.24 For Tonic
25. Bio-Plasgen No.25 For Acidity, flatulence and indigestion
26. Bio-Plasgen No.26 For Easy parturition
27. Bio-Plasgen No.27 For Lack of vitality
28. Bio-Plasgen No.28 For General tonic
Complex Homoeo Medicine
Mother Tincture’s Complex and Patents Medicine which was passed by the Parliament and Act. has been passéd. The name of the Act. is Drug and Cosmetic Acts.1940.